Practicing Gratitude

Practicing Gratitude

🧡 Gratitude 🧡 

Definition: The feeling or quality of being grateful. A strong feeling of appreciation to someone or something. 

I find this really hard when you're having a really sh*tty day to feel grateful for something! Anyone else? 🙃 So, here's a few little pointers to help...

Practicing gratitude is absolutely amazing for your mind. That's a fact. 

FOCUS ⚡️ Try focusing on something in front of you, in your house or just generally in your life that you absolutely love. Really focus on it. Like, proper concentrate. What is it you love about it? The taste, smell, texture... really immerse yourself for a minute. Feel grateful for this in your life 🧡 try an affirmation to yourself "I am so grateful to have this in my life." 

JOURNALING ⚡️ Try writing stuff down. At the end of the day is usually best for your mind, but just whenever you find a spare minute write down a few things you're grateful for. Even if it's the cup of hot tea in front of you, hopefully with a nice chocolate biscuit - be grateful for that. Writing these down daily or weekly can positively focus your mind.  

Doing this focussing or writing some things down at the end of each day will change your perspective of YOUR world 💞✨

Podcasts and meditation will help focus your mind towards gratitude. Honest, I’ve tried it! The only thing that's hard is being consistent with it. So, please try to keep up with it if you can... 

⚡️ Here's some podcast/book recommendations from me ⚡️

🧡 Paul Carrick Brunson has amazing affirmation podcasts! Here's a playlist on Spotify I made of his affirmations. 

🧡 Dr Danny Penman and Vidyamala Birch are amazing! I read their book 'Mindfulness for Health' which I was recommended it by a doctor at my local hospital's pain clinic ward. It really helped me look at my chronic pain in a different way.  Here's a link to their guided meditations on SoundCloud.  

🧡 Body scan meditations - there's loads out there. YouTube it and see which one you like the best.

💞 To sum up. Gratitude frames a better mindset for you. So, try practice it. Even if it's once a week to start, then build it up. You'll thank yourself later I promise. 

Be kind to yourself 💞

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