Get to know me...

Get to know me...

Here’s a little about the person behind Mamxiety…

Hi, I’m Becka 👋🏼🧡 

I’m 34 and live in the North East of England. I have a wonderful family and amazing friends, but most importantly a supporting husband and beautiful (almost 2yo) son, Hugo. 

I created Mamxiety in the hope of reaching out to other mothers who need some support and to hear/agree/disagree with some truths around parenthood. This has led me to create my affirmation cards to gift and spread positivity! ✨

I’ve worked in different roles throughout my career, but one I hold close to my heart was when I worked at Mind. Supporting people in the community and volunteering alongside was amazing. I met people I would have never met in my lifetime, and it grounded me more than ever. 

My mental health has always been something I’ve struggled with. I have taken antidepressants for over 8 years now to deal with anxiety and chronic pain. 

Since having Hugo in 2021 my mental health spiralled. Not only was it an absolute shock to the system, I felt like I lost myself. 

When Hugo was around 10 months old we unfortunately had to rehome our baby girl staffy puppy, Lily. She got jealous of Hugo. So this was a hard and heartbreaking decision for us as we absolutely adored Lily, but Hugo obviously comes first. She was only 2 years old, so still a pup, and I really struggled with a dog and a baby - I don’t know how people do it! The grief is still there for us and we miss her everyday, but I will be honest in saying out loud that my life is easier without her 🙃🤦🏼‍♀️💔

So here I am, almost two years into motherhood (still searching for myself) and winging parenting as I believe everyone does! 

✨ Thanks for reading this far! I hope you enjoy Mamxiety, take something from my words (I'm no professional!), buy some affirmation cards or just follow me for support.

Either way, thank you and be kind to yourself 🧡

Becka xoxo 


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